About Me

  • Story-telling is at the heart of my work. As a creative professional, I desire to help grow brands and expand their reach. Good design is more than pretty pictures - effective branding is designed to drive behavior and build habits. Channeling my passion for visual design and cultivating a team of creatives through a broad spectrum of projects and successful marketing campaigns is what I hope to accomplish as a creative professional.

  • Life is short and time is the most valuable asset we have. I decided years ago that I want to live my life to its fullest and spend my time in ways that will give me the highest ROI possible. To me, this looks like spending time with people I love, being inspired by art, nature, and people, exploring, playing, and creating. Professionally, this means I’m excited and focused on actively taking my skills to the next level. I’m driven to consume content that expands my skills, thinking, and creativity. I challenge myself by spending my free time learning new design and productivity software and I read and listen to other professionals share their knowledge. Fostering a growth mindset and having a positive outlook on life is a daily goal of mine.

  • Hiking, travel, yoga, music, art, reading, camping, snorkeling, house plants, rock collecting, podcasts, authenticity, concerts, music festivals, kindness, a strong Old Fashioned, and good food.

    What I’m listening to and reading at the moment:

    ’Let’s Talk Branding’ Podcast by Stef Hamerlinck
    ‘Story Brand’ by Donald Miller
    ’Creative Strategy and the Business of Design’ by Douglas Davis
    ’Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days’ by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky
    ’Creative Direction in a Digital World’ by Adam Harrell

“Mindset is everything.
Your success begins and ends with mindset. In between, it’s grit that carries you through”

— LeAura Alderson